
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I concur!!

I agree with Anthony, Greenfields happens to be one of those school experiences that we, who have attended it, would love to relive...But guess what? life is not a rehearsal, so repeating life is not an option...what is an option though, is reliving the memories and seeking the people we met along the way and had so much fun together and made lots of memories with...So, for those who did not make it for the last reunion at Maasai lodge, we will have another reunion, on May 28th this time , do not miss! We had a fabulous time and reconnected with people we haven't seen and spoken to in months and it looks like most people are just fine....We will keep you updated...hugs and blessings


  1. Njeri, we should keep this blog going.. what do you think

  2. Still love the place. I made some good friends while there, Matthew and peter to name but a few.
